We try our best to visit there twice a year, but that doesn't always happen. The kids so enjoy themselves when we are there. Grandma and Grandpa (Carey's Dad and Step-Mom) are the best! We just have a blast with them and his little bro and step-sisters and his uncles and aunts and cousins and anyone else who happens to be there. The weather is just so great, that people hang out outside all summer long. On their porches and stuff. Can you imagine? It is so nice. And they are the super best family too. They are the kind of family that you would want to be your friends. Each of them would literally give you the shirt off their back. Seriously, I think that Carey's Uncle George actually did that one time. They just love being around each other and we just love being around them. It makes me so very sad that we, especially Carey, don't get to see them very often. BUT, we now have the webcam so that we can see them when we talk anytime we want to. The kids love it! Its great for Victoria. That way she will remember who they are between visits and not be so shy when we see them. It takes her a while to warm up to people.
So, the like ONLY perk of being this far away from Carey's family are the brown paper packages that show up on our doorstep every once in awhile. SO EXCITING!! Here is what we got in the most recent package that was sent ...
Too cute! We popped some popcorn and put in our Sonic slushies for our afternoon snack that day. What a treat!!
So ... thank you Grandma and Grandpa! Riley and Victoria just love these little snack trays!! See you in August. Can't Wait!!
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