Monday, December 8, 2008

Victoria's Big Debut

Victoria had her big debut in her performing career. She goes to a music class at the rec center here in town called Wiggles-N-Tunes. We call it dance class so that she will get used to the idea of going to dance class because she will be attending a dance class on a regular basis very soon ... so exciting!! Anyway, they had a performance at the Saginaw tree lighting. They rang bells to a somewhat synthesized version of Silent Night. Victoria had the orange bell and was supposed to ring it every time the teacher held up a card with an orange circle on it. Well, Victoria only being 21 months old cannot yet grasp the concept of color recognition and coinciding that with ringing a bell. So, Mommy did most of the ringing. She held the bell and I would get really excited when her color would come up and grab her hand and ring the bell "with" her. Then she would properly place the bell back into her belly. Things were going well during rehearsal and at the beginning of the performance. We could see Daddy, Riley, Pops, Gigi, Uncle Kevin and GF Shannon in the audience. So very exciting.

Then ... she noticed them ... all of them ... balloons. Balloons everywhere. All different shapes, sizes colors. Truly amazing. WOW.

"Whas tha? Ba-oons!! Ba-oons!!"

Well, no longer interested in any stupid bell or bell ringing. She made the icky face, shoved the bell away and was content to just sit there and point at all the many fascinating balloons. So, I was faced with the dilemma as to whether I should keep ringing the bell or just sit there. Fortunately, the music was cut short by some sort of equipment malfunction and the performance ended abruptly. Applause, applause, take our exit.

Riley was waiting in the wing to give her a single red rose
for her performance (Gigi's idea ... thanks Mom!).

So, all in all it wasn't too bad. The most important thing was that she look adorable and went out on the stage without a tear. Momma is so very proud!!

1 comment:

Anjolee said...

Such a cutie! We have enjoyed seeing y'all each week. Victoria looked adorable Friday night.