Thursday, September 11, 2008


So Riley had his first homework assignment for Kindergarten. Each week he is supposed to complete an alphabet worksheet at home. The letter this week is O. So he traced the upper case and lower case O and wrote out three of each on his own. Then we had three choices of activities to do:

1. Go around your house and find oval shapes. Draw these oval shapes on a piece of paper and turn in to the teacher. (B-O-R-I-N-G!!)
2. Draw a series of opposites on a piece of paper and turn in to the teacher. (Sound like alot of work)
3. Make an obstacle course around your house, take a picture and tell your class about it (SO MUCH FUN!!!)

So you can guess which one Riley picked. We hurriedly picked up after dinner and setup the obstacle course. Took about 45 minutes from setup, to run through three times, to clean up. Riley had a blast! He couldn't wait to tell his teacher and his class about it.

When I was loading the pictures up that night to have developed the next day, I started thinking that maybe he could show all the photos in the order of the obstacle course to help him rememer what all was in it. Then I thought that it would be hard for the kids to see if he was just holding the pixs, so why don't mount them on poster board?! So needless to say, the homework turned into a tiny project. But, I had Riley do all of it himself. He put the pictures in order, drew a big letter "O", taped the pixs to the foam board and wrote "Riley's Obstacle Course."

Don't you just love the way little ones write their letters?

He was so proud of his board. He walked into class and all the kids came up to see what he had. They were all so impressed. I am so proud of him. It was so great to see him "light-up" about school and get so excited!

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