First off, I know I have said this before, but it is worth mentioning again ... I LOVE SUMMER! I love the lack of "have-to" activity and the abundance of "want-to" activity. I also love that we can take our time getting to where we need to go. It just seems that the days are more laid-back and less rushed. Dinner at 7:30 ... that's ok! Bedtime at 9:30 ... that's ok! Ice cream for lunch ... that's ok! You were in the pool all day so we are skipping bathtime ... that's ok! Love it.
We have loads and loads of activities planned for this summer. My reasoning for this is two-fold: (1) I want these next two months to zoom by. Been waiting for this baby long enough. I'm ready. AND (2) Activity seems to cut back on the sibling rivalry ... which can get a bit old.
So, we started off the summer with just a three day trip to getaway (will blog that later). Then we dove right in to our activities.
Mondays remain open for my doctor appointments. Right now I am every two weeks, so we are planning various activities on the off weeks. This week we went to the zoo and it was so very, very hot. But the kids had a blast and ... I survived.
Every Tuesday this summer the local movie theater has a free kid movie playing in the morning. We are so there. Went this past week. Sitting. Air-conditioning. Diet Coke. Popcorn. **smile**
Every Wednesday Riley goes to a nature day camp at the Ft. Worth Nature Center. He went this past Wednesday and had so much fun! One of his little buds goes too, which just makes it that much more fun. So, Victoria and I just chill at home. Kinda nice to have some time with just her. We did have a friend come over for a play date for a couple of hours. She just loved that!
Thursdays remain open to mainly relax and get some housework done. BUT we are always open to changing that! Housework can always wait.
And then Fridays are spent over at Pops and Gigi's house swimming. The kids love this!! I think this is their favorite part of the week.
VBS is next week, so all of our activities will be on hold for the week. The kids are super-excited about it. I will be teaching kinder/first grade music, which may sound like no big thing. But have you tried to sing and dance (the songs have motions) when eight months pregnant for three hours while trying to keep 6 and 7 year olds from taking over??? Should be quite interesting.
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